8 Must-Have Tools for Metal Detecting Like a Pro

Metal detecting is a fun hobby. There were 1,072 treasure finds reported in the UK in 2021, out of which a whopping 96%, or 1,024, were attributed to metal detecting.

However, hunting for valuables comes with its own set of challenges. You need to find the right spots, deal with tough soil, or manage fatigue from long hours of searching.

Fortunately, there are tools that improve your efficiency and accuracy while you locate and retrieve your finds.

Investing in quality tools for metal detecting not only improves your chances of finding valuable items but also makes the process easier and much more fun.

If you’re new to metal detecting, here’s a list of must-have tools for metal detection you should consider adding to your collection.


Grab These 8 Must-Have Tools For Metal Detecting Before You Go Hunting For Valuables

You want the best tools without breaking the bank, right? Here are the best and cheap tools for metal detecting that help you handle the challenges that come with metal detecting and enjoy the hunt.


1. A Multi-frequency Metal Detector

Image showing a man using a metal detector on grass.

It goes without saying you can’t hunt for treasures in the ground without a metal detector, the most essential tool in your metal-detecting kit.

A metal detector works by sending out electromagnetic signals into the ground. When it detects metal, it alerts you with a sound or a visual signal on the screen.

Multi-frequency metal detectors allow you to detect different types and sizes of metals through different signals. They improve your chances of finding targets that single-frequency detectors usually miss.

Get a detector with adjustable sensitivity so it ignores small, unwanted metal objects like nails. Some detectors also have discrimination settings, which help you filter out non-valuable metals to avoid false signals.


2. Pinpointer

Image showing a man using a pinpointer metal detector.

Once your metal detector alerts you to a target, the pinpointer helps you find its exact location. It’s a small, handheld device that you use to narrow down the area where the metal object is buried. The pinpointer vibrates or beeps when it’s close to the target and helps you zero in on it.

A pinpointer is essential for recovering small items like coins or jewelry. Always go for one with high sensitivity so it can detect small objects.

The main advantage of using a pinpointer is that it reduces the amount of digging you need to do. You can use it to dig a smaller, more accurate hole and avoid the need for a large excavation.

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3. Metal Detecting Headphones

Image showing a man with metal detector headphones on.

Metal detecting headphones help you hear faint signals from your metal detector that you might miss if you’re not wearing them.

Headphones are among the most important tools for metal detecting for various reasons:

  • Headphones let you clearly hear the different tones your metal detector produces for different types of metal and determine if a target is worth digging up.
  • Using headphones saves your metal detector’s battery power by reducing the volume of the built-in speaker.
  • Headphones block out background and ambient noise, like traffic, wind, or external noise if you are in a crowded place like a beach.
  • Many metal detectorists prefer to keep their finds confidential until they’ve had a chance to examine them. Headphones prevent others from hearing the signals indicating a potential discovery.


4. A Digging Trowel and Shovel

Image showing 5 different shovels for outside use.

You need a good digging tool to retrieve a target from the ground after your metal detector identifies it.

Good metal or gold digger tools, like a lightweight digging shovel or a sturdy hand trowel, handle various types of soil and provide precise cuts.

A tool like the Dr. Otek shovel is a great choice for its durability and ease of use. Similarly, the Megraphta spade offers a strong and reliable option for digging through tougher ground.

For those who prefer a budget-friendly approach, homemade metal detector digging tools can also get the job done.

Look for digging tools made from heavy-duty materials, such as a stainless steel metal detecting shovel. Stainless steel is particularly useful as it resists rust and maintains its strength, even with frequent use.


5. A Finds Pouch

Image showing a finds pouch.

You require a finds pouch for organizing and carrying the items you discover while metal detecting. You definitely don’t want a valuable item to fall out of your pocket and get lost.

Without a finds pouch, it will be hard for you to keep track of your finds and keep your hands free.

Get a pouch made from tough, water-resistant material to protect your finds from the elements. It should also have a secure closure, like a zipper or Velcro, to ensure nothing falls out while you’re moving around.


6. A Sand Scoop

Image showing a metal-detecting sand scoop.

A sand scoop is essentially a small, handheld shovel with holes that allow sand to pass through while retaining larger objects. It is among the must-have tools for metal detecting if you are searching on beaches or other sandy areas.

The sand scoop accelerates the process of locating targets buried in the sand. Instead of manually sifting through the sand, you can use the scoop to dig, shake, and filter the sand more efficiently.


7. Extra Batteries or Charger

Image showing multiple small batteries.

Nothing is more frustrating than having your detector die in the middle of a promising search.

Bringing extra batteries means you can quickly swap out old ones for fresh ones without having to stop your search.

Alternatively, you can bring a charter to recharge your batteries between detecting sessions, so you always have a full charge ready to go.

Backup power options for your tools for metal detecting extend your hunting session and maximize your chances of finding treasure.


8. Carrying Bag

Image showing a metal detecting handbag.

You need a carrying bag to transport your metal detector and other digging tools to and from your hunting site, particularly if you travel to different locations for metal detecting.

It also stores everything in one spot and prevents you from losing or misplacing items.

For those who want to protect their metal detector when it’s not in use, a carrying bag or case is a must. It protects your detector from dust, dirt, and potential damage during transport or storage.

Grab The Best Metal Detecting Tools and Accessories!

Want to learn more about equipment and tools for metal detecting? Check out DetectorforMetal for comprehensive guides and product reviews on the best metal detectors and accessories along with helpful tips to excel at metal detecting.

It’s your one-stop solution for all things related to relic hunting and metal detecting that caters to both beginners and experienced treasure hunters.

Find everything you need to start your journey and make your next hunt a success!

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